April Update
What a crazy month it's been. I hope all of you are staying home and staying healthy. I think during this time it's both sad to see the state of the world and encouraging to see how people take care of each other. Thankfully, my experience in the ministry at Collin FOCUS has been almost entirely the latter. It is still a really strong season and I'm so blessed by the girls I work with. We've continued with our same schedule and groups, but we've switched everything to virtual. So basically I'm now a Zoom expert, as are all of you I'm sure. Here are a few specific pictures and updates on what we've been doing. Virtual peer team meeting with our small group leaders Claire, Vanessa, Shannon. I've definitely mentioned them before. They're still pretty cool. Both of these are from the same core meeting, it was just on Google Meet, which only allows you to see four people at a time. But aren't they all so cute? Ugh I love these girls. ...